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Monday, July 4, 2011

The Difference Between Men & Women

Alright, so this may just be the difference between ME and my husband, not all men and women but I thought it was funny & I want to share with you.

The subject is the after meal cleanup of the very messy baby. Like this for instance:


I have a routine, it works for us, it's efficient and gets the job done. I get a washcloth, wet it down and wipe the tray. I then rinse the washcloth and go back for his hands and face, taking one last swipe at the tray for anything he managed to smear back on there while I was gone. I remove the tray and place it in its home behind his chair, then start cleaning his lap. He eats all foods now not just mush so there's usually bits and pieces of things all over the place. Once I have him cleaned off I get him out and wipe up the chair, then finally a quick cleanup of the floor and I'm done!

No big deal right? The other night as I'm doing this, my husband says to me "I don't know why you do it like that". "Do what like what?" I ask, because he could be talking about something that happened hours ago (it happens). "Well you've gone back and forth to the sink three times already" he responds. So of course I try to explain to him that what I'm doing makes the most sense, work from top to bottom & starting with the tray means that I don't have to wipe his hands twice. He shakes his head at me like he still thinks I'm eating glue when he's not looking.

I'm not going to win this battle though you see, because here's his "easy" way:

He removes the tray and puts it to the side. Cleans off the baby and removes him from the seat. Picks up the pieces off the floor and walks away. I've actually found CBear eating leftover food from the night before off of his chair once, because I thought D had cleaned it and never stopped to look. His way is easier because he only completes half the job!

So I say the difference between men and women is that men leave things for later that magically clean themselves. Women would rather clean things up right away, than leave them to do later because there's always going to be something else that needs to be done later, like cleaning up after the men!

What funny men vs women stories do you have? I'd love to hear them (if only so I know I'm not alone lol)


nicole_j_m said...

What the heck did you do with your blog? LOL I had to jump through hoops to post a comment :P Totally kidding! It's just different than before.

Anyways...difference between a man and a woman...(keep in mind this is a complete vent) Women have a deep connection with their children. We carried them for 9 months! Men usually just "play" with the kids and don't have a deep connection (especially if they don't spend time with them) By deep connection I mean being able to tell when baby is a little off that day and is getting sick, or baby is sad and we need to pick up on their emotions. That's as elaborate as I am going to get because I don't want to man bash ;) It's just directed at one waste of a person anyway! :p

Cbearsmamma said...

Oh NO! It's supposed to be easy! I added Disqus so I am able to reply to comments now. Also I completely agree with your comments - very true about the connections at least in this house anyways, I've heard stories about men who are attached at conception but I've never witnessed it lol

nicole_j_m said...

Oh sure you can reply but I don't know when you do unless I come check! That's whats silly about blogs I guess. It's not facebook!!

Cbearsmamma said...

This is true unless you subscribe and get a bunch of emails, mind you its mostly just you that comments anyways haha

nicole_j_m said...

Its because I have nothing better to do! LOl just kidding :) I like supporting people in what they do. You do it well and I enjoy your blog!

nicole_j_m said...

and clearly i couldnt figure out the reply button today ha ha ha

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