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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back To Square One

Well, we've had an exciting few weeks - BabyBear reached 4 months and had his Dr appt and shots - neither were very fun but we did find out that he is 14lbs 5oz of squishy baby goodness. He's reached several milestones of which I shall name a few - he started rolling over, only onto his tummy though, he gets angry after a while but just can't quite get himself to flip back over - he DOES however travel in circles and sometimes can push himself forward with his feet - his system definitely does NOT agree with rice cereal, even in very small amounts, but he ADORES sweet potato which we randomly tried just last night, might have been the first time we've ever had it in the house so I figured we better give it a shot - he is starting to try to sit up from laying down now as well so I know he's going to get mobile very soon and it's a little sad to know he's growing up THAT fast

On another note, my mom came to visit! It was a great visit and she and C-Bear enjoyed playing together very much. I believe she has done a great deal of healing while here which was the intended outcome after having her own mom pass away only just over a month ago. She left today to return home, far far away from here and it makes me sad to see her go.

SO I am feeling especially lonely today with my wonderful husband out helping his friends, and my son asleep in his crib, it's just me and the cats again and they're sleeping too - Part of me wishes I could stay home with my sweet little man and not ever return to work but the other part knows that this lonely feeling is what comes of being housebound and I'm not sure I will make it through the winter.....oh yes! A real live Northern Canadian winter is upon us - we got the first snowfall yesterday and we won't likely see the colour green again for another 4-5 months - oh JOY

Well, I suppose I should go get some warm clothes on - we're going to go make the best of it and have our first snow play day when he's up from his nap - I'll have to post some pictures at a later date - Snow Angels here we COME!!
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